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Senior Spotlight: Harsha Rajkumar, Stephen Lo & Melody Zhang

May 30, 2023
By Fremont Christian School

我们最新的一届高年级学生准备进入他们人生的下一个阶段, 弗里蒙特基督教会想要表彰三位杰出的人, starting with our valedictorian, Harsha Rajkumar, who will be attending Duke University in the fall. Although Harsha originally planned to be pre-med, 他现在倾向于生物工程和计算机科学的双学位, with a bent towards AI (artificial intelligence).

“But that might change, too,” Harsha says. “There are so many opportunities.“他对科学的研究方面特别感兴趣, 对于他这个年纪的人来说,他已经很有经验了. After transferring to FCS his freshman year, he became a mentee to Edward Njoo, a PhD candidate in chemistry at Stanford University. 他的第一个项目是研究某些草药的药性, 之后在斯坦福基因组学研究实习项目(grip)获得了更多实习机会, 他在那里研究复杂的有机化学合成反应. Last year, he was a finalist in the Genes in Space competition, which allowed him to travel to Washington, DC, to present his project to a group of astronauts.

在高中的大部分时间里,哈沙还参加了田径运动,并在大四时加入了校棒球队(今年在联盟中排名第一), 他非常喜欢这段经历,他希望能加入杜克大学的一个俱乐部. 他把这种对这项运动的惊人热爱归功于弗里蒙特克里斯蒂安. 他表示:“这是一所规模不大的学校,但有很多机会。. “老师和学生互相关心,你可以参与任何活动.“即使这个活动还不存在:哈沙在建立医学研究俱乐部和演讲与辩论俱乐部方面发挥了重要作用. “这是FCS的另一个优势:如果你对开始某事感兴趣,那就很容易做到.” 

他还觉得与老师的亲密关系对他的教育有益. “With small class sizes, I was able to learn a lot more. 课后与老师和同学的对话可能是我永远不会忘记的.” 

哈莎最亲密的朋友之一是共同致词的史蒂芬·罗. The two hit it off from their first day at FCS, back in freshman year, 不仅仅是因为他们有相同的课程表. “He's always smiling and laughing,” Harsha says. “He lights up everyone's mood.”

当你是篮球队的队长和MVP时,这是一个重要的特质,就像斯蒂芬一样. “Even though he's academically and sports driven, 他的个性会让他走得更远,” Harsha says about his friend.

Like Harsha, Stephen plans to study bioengineering, 不过他将在帕萨迪纳的加州理工学院学习, where he’ll also play for the school’s basketball team.

斯蒂芬在FCS上学前班,然后在公立学校系统读完中学. When he tried to enroll in high school, however, he wasn’t able to take the classes he wanted, so he—and his twin brother—transferred back to FCS. “十大博彩公司的课程安排非常灵活,我想上哪门课就上哪门课,” he says. 这对双胞胎的弟弟很快也跟着转学了.


除了篮球(以及参加FCS提供的所有AP课程), Stephen also participated in choir, 他们在FCS演出的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》中演出, take second place at the Golden State Choral Competition, and even play at New York’s famed Carnegie Hall. He and Harsha also collaborated with the Alameda County Science Fair to form a nonprofit called the More-STEM Initiative, which partners previous fair winners with underprivileged students for virtual mentorships; Stephen and Harsha helped add a face-to-face component to the program. Somewhere in between all that, 斯蒂芬抽出时间担任学生会的首席牧师和健康与科学俱乐部的主席. 

“I just wanted to share a passion that I had, which was to help in science, and it was so easy,” he says, grinning ear to ear.  “这表明,任何你想在FCS追求的东西都是可以实现的. 他们为你提供了充分发挥潜能的机会.”

Stephen也为他的朋友Harsha的成就感到骄傲. “FCS isn’t like a lot of other schools, 学生们不想互相帮助,因为每个人都想成为最好的. 看到哈莎和我都在最高水平上取得成功,我很高兴. It’s like a family dynamic at FCS. 这是我想强调的,因为我们不把彼此视为竞争对手. 我们都在这里互相支持,互相激励,成为最好的自己.”

Co-salutatorian Melody Zhang echoes that sentiment. 不到两年前,梅洛迪从当地的一所公立学校转到了FCS,她非常高兴自己这么做了. “在FCS,你可以真正感受到空气中的正能量. There’s so much school unity,” she says. 


来到FCS后,梅洛迪很快就和其他同学——甚至是她的老师——成为了朋友. FCS’s art teacher, Ms. Yuan, recognized Melody’s talent early on. 
“Over the last two years, 我见证了梅洛迪领导力的巨大增长, self-management, and teamwork,” Ms. Yuan says. “她很有创造力,是一个很好的领导者,而且善于解决问题.I believe she will be a great artist in the future.” With Ms. Yuan’s encouragement, Melody entered the 2022 Congressional Art Competition, which she won for her district; her entry is currently on display at the White House. 

梅洛迪说精神周是她最喜欢的FCS回忆之一. Due to her aptitude in art, 她为今年的返校节设计并绘制了所有的海报. 她还参加了国语合唱团,并创办了创意卡社, which sends greetings to residents of senior homes. “我们写一些令人振奋的信息和肯定,提醒她们在这个世界上并不孤单,总有人在想着她们,” she explains. 

After FCS, 梅洛迪将在宾夕法尼亚大学学习平面设计和用户体验. 她说:“这些都很有用,也很有趣。. 她希望利用自己的学位从事网站工作,可能还会从事电子游戏工作. “看到即使是设计和界面的微小变化也能完全提升体验,这很有趣,” she explains. 

FCS is incredibly proud of our seniors. We wish you the greatest of success!

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